Aaron Kelly (Photo by Jeff Witherow/Catholic Courier)
Meeting the Pope
James Muscatella alongside Fr. James Conn, SJ (Photo by PNAC)
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"They left everything and followed Him." -Lk 5:11

Greetings and blessings! We are delighted to welcome you to DOR Vocations (formerly ROC Priest), a sacred space dedicated to the calling of spiritual leaders. At the heart of our mission is the commitment to nurture and guide individuals on their journey toward priesthood.

DOR Vocations is a platform for those seeking a life of purpose, service, and spiritual fulfillment. With a rich history of fostering vocations, we are committed to empowering individuals to explore, discern, and embrace their divine calling. We establish a community of priests who lead with unwavering faith, compassion, and a profound dedication to serving humanity. Everyone has a unique role to play in life, and we are here to guide and support you in discovering and embracing your calling.

Meet Daniel Spears, our newest Seminarian
Church of Saint Jerome, East Rochester

Take the First Step!

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and service through faith, purpose, and vocation. Together, let us illuminate the path that leads to a life of profound spiritual significance.